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Sara Bartumeus

Sara Bartumeus is an architect, professor and researcher. She has an M.Arch. from the School of Architecture of Barcelona (1994) and an MLA from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (1996). She has been associate professor at the School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2013. She also teaches in Barcelona at the Master in Landscape Architecture-ETSAB (since 1997) and the Urbanism Department-ETSAV (since 2004). She is the principal of Renau Bartumeus Arquitectes (1994), and a member of: LUB-Barcelona, the Barcelona City’s Architecture Committee, the COAC’s Advisory Committee in Urban Planning and Landscape and the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture’s Scientific Committee (fourth to tenth edition). She has locally and internationally published, and her work has been recognized by public competitions and awards.

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