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Schem Bader

Schem Bader has been awarded a SSHRC Connection grant for a conference titled “Indexing Resistance: The Blood & Guts of Queer Protest” and is currently a Visiting Scholar at Sensorium, York University. They completed their Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow with York and the ArQuives as a visual researcher for the NFB film, Parade directed by Noam Gonick. With a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from the Joint Graduate Program at York/Toronto Metropolitan Universities, and an M.F.A. from The School of Visual Arts in New York, Bader embraces interdisciplinarity and intersections of theory and practice. Focusing on queer history, their research examines historical violence and persistence. Their publications include Media Studies: Texts, Production, and Context (2021), co-authored with Paul Long as well as articles in PUBLIC and Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender, and Culture.

School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto ON Canada M3J 1P3

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