Short Film Studies (Journal)

ISSN 20427824 , ONLINE ISSN 20427832

Short Film Studies is a peer-reviewed journal designed to encourage research by new and established scholars and critics that reflects both the historical importance and the increasing prominence and diversity of short films in today’s media landscape.

This title is indexed with Scopus and the Web of Science’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here.

Category: Animation, Film Studies


Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark

Notes for Contributors Download

Aims & Scope

The primary purposes and scope of SFS include the following:

  • to provide a useful resource that enables short film appreciation and study for instructors, scholars, critics, students and filmmakers;
  • each issue includes a focus on a theme or topic of relevance to short film and media studies;
  • each issue showcases a selected short film, with a shot-by-shot breakdown and filmmaker’s interview;
  • an open Call for Papers is observed in order to encourage submissions from short film and media scholars that reflect their own research interests.

A principal focus is on short fiction films, with additional attention to non-fiction, commercial and non-commercial, and other narrative shorts, as well as to short form filmmakers, genres, festivals and curation. The aim is to reflect the inclusivity of short form media and shorts filmmakers, and the variety of scholarly and critical approaches that are relevant to the form.


To submit an article, please follow the 'Submit' button on the left of this page.
Download the Notes for Contributors above for information on format and style of submissions. If you need this document in a more accessible format, please contact Find more information on Intellect's Accessibility page.
Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous anonymous peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.


Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark


Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark


Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark

Call for Papers: Issue 15.1

Short Film Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. In the context of the importance and increasing visibility of short films, the journal aims to offer timely reflections on and a centering of the form. Toward that end, the journal publishes research based and analytical work that enables a broad appreciation of short films and media and especially welcomes contributions that consider short films and media and/or selected titles as shorts specifically. Essays may focus on historical or contemporary narrative – both fiction and nonfiction – as well as live-action and/or animated titles. Papers that address thematic issues and/or close readings of single titles are welcome. A focus on shorts with running times of 40-minutes or less is preferred.

Short Film Studies 15.1

Deadline for full manuscripts: 15 November 2024

The special focus for issue 15.1 is a ‘Teaching with Short Films Forum’, to enable scholars to share their strategies and experiences using shorts in the classroom and/or to address short film pedagogy, in general.

For the forum manuscripts the suggested word count is 800 to 1500 words.

General Call for Papers information

SFS’s principal focus is on short fiction films, with additional attention to non-fiction, commercial/non-commercial and other narrative shorts, as well as to short form filmmakers, genres, festivals and curation. The aim of SFS is to reflect the inclusivity of short form media and filmmakers, and the variety of scholarly and critical approaches that are relevant to the form. All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.

SFS observes a constant open Call for Papers and welcomes submissions from short film/media scholars that reflect their own critical and scholarly interests. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • short film theory and specificity;
  • short film canon;
    short form auteurs;
  • representations of marginalized and underrepresented communities;
  • genre shorts;
  • LGBTQ+ themes and representation;
  • short film festivals (including reviews of individual festivals);
    narrative music videos;
  • short film series and anthologies;
  • shorts from emerging national cinemas;
  • fashion shorts.

Word count: 1500 to 4000 words, double-spaced.

Please send a brief 50- to 75-word abstract and a brief biographical statement to the editor, Cynthia Felando  ( Upon approval of the abstract, full essays should also be sent as an email attachment in .doc format, following Harvard citation style, with a separate cover sheet containing author’s details and affiliation information. The journal’s Editorial Board will referee all submissions. Please direct any further queries to the editor.



Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark

Editorial Board

Lavinia Brydon
University of Kent, UK

Vicki Callahan
University of Southern California, USA

Navid Darvishzadeh
Georgia State University, USA

Ryan Prout
Cardiff University, UK

Paula Quigley
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Martin Rossouw
University of the Free State, South Africa

Rosalind Sibielski
Rhode Island College, USA

Andrew Stubbs
Staffordshire University, UK

Laurel Westrup
University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Muriel Tinel-Temple
University of Roehampton, UK

Advisory Board

Charles Acland
Concordia University, Canada

Ken Dancyger
New York University, USA

Per Fikse
Minimalen International Short Film Festival, Norway

Lars Henrik Gass
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Germany

Niclas Gillberg
Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Sweden

Heinz Hermanns
International Short Film Festival, Germany

Bronwyn Kidd
Flickerfest: International Short Film Festival, Australia

Matt Lloyd
Glasgow Short Film Festival, UK

Catherine Russell
Concordia University, Canada

John Smith
University of East London, UK

Maria Roberta Novielli
Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark


Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark

Abstracts of Music Literature (RILM)
British Humanities Index (BHI)
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI)
EBSCO: Film and Television Literature Index
EBSCO: Film and Television Literature Index (with FT)
European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)
International Index to Film Periodicals
International Index to the Performing Arts (IIPA)
Modern Language Association International Bibliography (MLA)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)


  • Volume (14): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2024


  • Volume (13): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (13): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (12): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (12): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (11): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (11): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (10): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (10): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (9): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (9): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (8): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (8): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (7): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (7): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (6): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (6): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (5): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (5): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (4): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (4): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (3): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (3): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (2): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (2): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (1): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2010


  • Volume (1): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2010


Cynthia Felando
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Founding Editor

Richard Raskin
Aarhus University, Denmark

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