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Stefan Cândea

Stefan Cândea is an award-winning investigative journalist from Romania, specialized in covering organized crime, now currently the coordinator of European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), which he co-founded in 2015. Recently, while looking for a way to lower the barrier to investigative collaborations, he founded Liquid Investigations. During the last two decades Stefan participated in co-founding the Global Investigative Journalism Network and helped kickstart several non-profit ventures related to in-depth journalism (CRJI and The Black Sea) and technology (Sponge Lab) - thus contributing in building a backbone for investigative-related journalism initiatives that stretch across Europe and beyond. As a long-time member of ICIJ, he managed the Eastern Europe research into the Offshore Leaks project, which was the first large cross-border investigative reporting collaboration in history in 2012. Stefan has been involved in training and teaching (University of Bucharest), and in critical reflection on the media in his own country (Nieman Fellow at Harvard) and on the cross-border investigative networks internationally (Ph.D. researcher at University of Westminster).

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