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Susan Johnston
Susan Johnston is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Regina in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, where her courses include literary historiography and theory, adaptation and interpretation, and genres of the novel. She is the author of Women and Domestic Experience in Victorian Political Fiction (Greenwood, 2001) as well as articles on textual and filmic adaptation, fantasy and teaching, including an earlier investigation of modes of fidelity, entitled 'Historical picturesque: Adapting Great Expectations and Sense and Sensibility' (2004), in Mosaic, 37: 1. Her recent work includes 'Grief poignant as joy: Dyscatastrophe and eucatastrophe in A Song of Ice and Fire' (Mythlore, 31: 1/2 (2012): 133-53). She is presently editing a collection of essays on George R. R. Martin with writer and critic Jes Battis.
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