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Tania De León Yong

Tania de León Yong is an artist and educator in experimental animation. She holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts (Universitat Politècnica de València) and has taught at different universities in Spain, Germany and Mexico, and has also conducted drawing and animation workshops in Portugal, Lithuania, India and Colombia. In addition to her academic work, de León has exhibited her art internationally, published articles and authored a book on animation – second edition – Animando al Dibujo: Del guión a la pantalla (FAD, 2013). Her artistic practice focuses on experimentation and critical thought at the intersection of animation, drawing and technology. She is assistant professor at the Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln in Cologne, Germany, in experimental animation, and postdoctoral researcher at the Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal.

Contact: exMedia-Animation, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, 50676 Köln, Germany.

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