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Tawseef Majeed

Tawseef Majeed, Ph.D., is currently working as professor (assistant) in the Department of Design and Innovation, Jamia Millia Islamia. He is a designer, journalist and animator and is also engaged in documentary design. He has a practice-based Ph.D. in the animated documentary. The study contributes to Indian Kashmir’s Indigenous non-fiction animation practice. Tawseef designed Animated Pae’ther, which offers a novel approach to reconstructing and representing the memories of violence and trauma related to the Kashmir conflict. He blends the practice of performance, animation and filmmaking into a precise genre of film design, Animated Pae’ther – a native, Kashmiri version of the animated documentary. Tawseef explores possible innovations in narrative, film and journalism design. Also, he investigates trauma, violence and memory design. He delves into immersive media design, especially virtual, mixed, and extended reality. He has written extensively on film, journalism, press freedom, animation design, documentary, memory, Kashmir, Israel-Palestine and social media.

Contact: Room No. 007, II Floor, Department of Design and Innovation, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, India.

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