
The Drama Therapy Decision Tree is Now Available!
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Drama Therapy Decision Tree is Now Available!

This book provides the reader with a thorough understanding of drama therapy methods through the provision of examples so therapists can select the most appropriate methods and apply them themselves.  The authors provide a common language for communicating what drama therapists do in terms of diagnoses and interventions, especially for new students in the field.


There has been no systematic method developed for drama therapists and drama therapy students for selecting the most appropriate drama therapy technique or method for clients. Typically, students leave university and have to work out how to plan treatment through trial and error. This book is not intended as an instruction manual, but the authors of this book have identified and analysed how they approached this task themselves, and they explain how the theory learnt at university can be put into practice. Their desire is to give early career drama therapy professionals a reliable and effective tool for making the best clinical decisions they can. This book is not only an educational tool, but also a practitioner’s reference tool for planning how to address the socio-emotional needs of their clients. Readers will find this timely book offers structure to drama therapy teachers and students alike.