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Agnieszka Urbańczyk

Agnieszka Urbańczyk has received her Ph.D. in cultural studies from the Polish Philology Department of the Jagiellonian University in 2022. She teaches courses in poetics and literary theory, culture of the internet, fan identities and transmediality. Her main fields of interest are science fiction studies, fan studies, critical theory, biopolitics and political theology. She has published her research in Polish journals (Teksty Drugie, Przestrzenie Teorii, Wielogłos, among others), as well as in SFRA Review, and she is one of the contributors to the Routledge Handbook of Star Trek (2022). Thanks to a ‘Diamond Grant’ awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education she has published a monograph Utopia jest sprzedawana oddzielnie. Polityczność science fiction w recepcji fanowskiej (na przykładzie ‘Star Treka’) (Księgarnia Akademicka, 2021). The monograph explores the ways in which large fandoms contribute to recuperation of once subversive texts.

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