Bruce E. Drushel
Bruce E. Drushel is professor and chair in the Department of Media, Journalism and Film at Miami University. He is founding co-editor of the journal Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture and has published five anthologies: Queer Identities/Political Realities (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), Ethics of Emerging Media (Continuum, 2011), Sontag and the Camp Aesthetic: Advancing New Perspectives (Lexington Books, 2017), Fan Phenomenon: Star Trek (Intellect, 2013) and LGBTQ Culture: The Changing Landscape (Routledge, 2020). His research has appeared in such publications as Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Media Economics, European Financial Journal, Film International, Journal of American Culture, Communication Law Review and FemSpec, and in books addressing free speech and social networks, free speech and 9/11, media in the Caribbean, C-SPAN as a pedagogical tool, LGBTQ representations, the Star Trek franchise and AIDS and popular culture.
Contact: Department of Media, Journalism & Film, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA.