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Gabriella Pataky

Gabriella Pataky is an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education (ELTE TÓK), and head of the Department of Visual Education and 3612+VisualSkillsLab in Budapest/Hungary, where she is responsible for the art/visual culture teacher training master programme. Her main research fields are visual culture, visual literacy, alternative methods, new materiality, inclusion and contemporary art in visual education, multicultural education, transdisciplinary art education, built environment education and development of plastic skills. She was one of the elected European world councillors at InSEA 2017–23 and, as one of the IMAG Quartet:: (the group of principal editors and graphic designer), works on InSEA’s visual journal to share ideas and connect members.

Contact: Eötvös Loránd University, ELTE TÓK Vizuális Nevelési Tanszék, 1126 Budapest, Kiss János altábornagy utca 40, Hungary.

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