Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies (Journal)

ISSN 20010818 , ONLINE ISSN 20499531

The Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to bridge the gap between media and communication research and actors within media production, i.e. broadcasters, newspapers, radio, Internet-based media outlets, etc. It is devoted to research with an applied angle in which a clear link is made between the prevalent theories and paradigms media and communication scholars work with, and the real world where media and communication activities take place.

This title is indexed with Scopus and the Web of Science’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here.

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

Notes for Contributors Download

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies aims to bridge the gap between media and communication research and actors with a say in media production, i.e. broadcasters, newspapers, radio, Internet-based media outlets, etc. It is devoted to research with an applied angle in which a clear link is made between the prevalent theories and paradigms media and communication scholars work with, and the real world where media and communication activities take place. It tackles issues and practices related to the output and organization of media outlets in our digitized age. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal has a particular focus on and interest in contemporary issues and practices of media firms as they are experienced by their actors journalists, executives, publishers and proprietors, among others. Besides scholarly submissions, the editors are interested in articles written by media actors focusing on topics including their activities, problems, strategies, guidelines, management and editorial issues, organization, ethical codes, coverage, distribution, marketing, handling of user-generated material, etc. The journal is the first scholarly publication giving due consideration in publishing to material by media actors. Practitioners, for the first time, will have their articles printed alongside academic papers within the pages of the same journal. The journal's main purpose is to test and apply media and communication theories to day-to-day affairs of media outlets to help executives, editors and journalists solve the issues they confront. It is interested in research and studies that help media actors journalists, proprietors and publishers improve their output.

Please see the Notes for Contributors for information on word count, layout and other important information prior to submission.


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Download the Notes for Contributors above for information on format and style of submissions. If you need this document in a more accessible format, please contact Find more information on Intellect's Accessibility page.
Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous, anonymous, external peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

General Call for Papers 

The Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies focuses on practical issues media outlets confront today. Its main interest is in research and studies that help media actors – journalists, proprietors and publishers – improve their output. The editors are interested in topics covering problems media outlets face in our digitized world.

Contributions from both academics and practitioners are welcome. If you would like to contribute please contact the editors for details.

All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.

Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Special Issue Call for Papers

Breaking the Silence: Safety Risks and Gender Discrimination in Journalism


Associate Editor:

Dr. Sadia Jamil 

Assistant Prof. & Director of Research, School of International Communications, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China. 

Co- Guest Editor(s):

Dr. Thomas William Whyke (School of International Communications, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China) 

Dr. Levi Dean (School of international Communications, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China)


Scope for the Special Issue

Women journalists are a cornerstone of the media industry, providing essential reporting and storytelling from around the world. Unfortunately, they often face unique and significant safety risks and gender discrimination. This Special Issue will explore the ways that women journalists are uniquely affected by these issues, and how they can be addressed.

Safety is a major concern for women journalists. They are often subjected to physical and verbal harassment while on assignments and are often in more danger than their male counterparts. Research has shown that women reporters are more likely to be targets of violence and abuse, particularly when reporting in conflict zones. This is especially true for journalists who are reporting on controversial topics such as gender inequality, human rights and corruption. Furthermore, women journalists are more likely to be the victims of sexual assault, stalking, and other forms of gender-based violence.

Gender discrimination is another problem that women journalists face. The media industry is often dominated by men, and women are often not given the same opportunities or recognition as their male counterparts. This can be seen in the fact that women are often underrepresented in management and leadership positions and are often paid less than men for the same work. Furthermore, women journalists are often subjected to sexist language and objectification in the workplace and are often not taken seriously or given the same respect as their male counterparts.

Fortunately, there are ways to address the safety risks and gender discrimination faced by women journalists. One way is to increase diversity in the media industry and ensure that women are given equal opportunities and representation in leadership positions. This can be done through initiatives such as mentorship programs, gender quotas and training programs. Additionally, organizations and media outlets must take steps to ensure that women journalists have adequate safety measures in place while on assignment, such as proper security training and support, access to emergency services and protection from gender-based violence.

In conclusion, this Special Issue is imperative in addressing the unique safety risks and gender discrimination that women journalists face, which must be unpacked and examined in order to both raise awareness and suggestions for ensuring a safe and equitable work environment for these women. Our Special Issue will demonstrate that, by increasing diversity in the media industry and ensuring that women have access to adequate safety measures, we can build a safeguarding structure within which women journalists are able to do their jobs without fear of violence or discrimination.


We invite full paper submissions of no more than 8000 words covering the following themes: 

  • Offline safety risks experienced women journalists,
  • Digital safety risks to women journalists,
  • Lived experiences of sexual harassment and misogyny, 
  • Gender discrimination experienced at societal and professional levels,
  • Repercussions of safety risks and gender discrimination on women journalists’ personal lives,
  • The impacts of safety risks and gender discrimination on women journalists’ personal lives.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses) and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file has been anonymized for double-blind peer review.
  • Should the contribution be accepted to the journal, all figures will be provided with the revised manuscript with all permissions cleared and in high resolution (see Intellect Image Guide). Late image files might not be accepted.
  • The article (including the title, abstract, key words, main body of work, 'references' section and any appendices, diagrams, images, tables or figures) does not exceed 8,000 words.


Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.


Submission procedure: 

To submit an article, please follow the 'Submit' button or click the following link:  


Special Issue timeline: 

  • Abstract submission deadline to guest editors (300–500 words): 25 September 2023
  • Full manuscript submission: 15 March 2024
  • First revision due: 15 May 2024
  • Second revision due: 30 August 2024
  • Final Decision by: 30 October 2024
  • Approximate release date: March 2025

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

Editorial Board

Valentina Baú
Western Sydney University, Australia

Beatriz Becker
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Svetlana Bodrunova
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Sarah Chiumbu
University of Johannesburg, South Africa

John Cokley
Griffith University, Australia

Dean Cummings
Georgia Southern University, USA

Stephen Cushion
Cardiff University, UK

Scott Eldridge
University of Groningen, Netherlands

Fatima El-Issawi
University of Essex, UK

Miguel Franquet dos Santos
University Ramon Llull, Spain

Emma Heywood
University of Sheffield, UK

Victoria Jack
The Wilderness Society, Australia

Geert Jacobs
Ghent University, Belgium

Claudia Lago
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Brendan Lawson
University of Loughborough, UK

Mireya Márquez Ramírez
Universidad Iberoamericana, México

Carolina Matos
City, University of London, UK

Meron Medzini
Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University, Israel

Jad Melki
Lebanese American University, Lebanon

Last Moyo
Aberystwyth University in China, China

Colleen Murrell
Dublin City University, Ireland

Bruce Mutsvairo
University of Technology Sydney, Australia

An Nguyen
Bournemouth University, UK

Silvia Olmedo
University of Málaga, Spain

Ximena Orchard
Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile

Julian Petley
Brunel University, UK

Marcela Pizarro
Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Kruakae Pothong
London School of Economics, UK

María Del Mar Ramírez Alvarado
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

José Luis Requejo Alemán
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Thouraya Snoussi
University of Sharjah, UAE

Maite Soto-Sanfiel
National University of Singapore, Singapore

John Steel
University of Derby, UK

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

British Humanities Index (BHI)
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
EBSCO: Communication Source
EBSCO: TOC Premier
European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
International Bibliography of Book Reviews in Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)


  • Volume (13): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2024


  • Volume (12): Issue (1)
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  • Volume (12): Issue (2)
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  • Volume (12): Issue (3)
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  • Volume (11): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (11): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (11): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (10): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (10): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (10): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (9): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (9): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (9): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (8): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (8): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (8): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (7): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (7): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (7): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (6): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (6): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (6): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (5): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (5): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (5): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (4): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (4): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (4): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (3): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (3): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (3): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (2): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (2): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (2): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (1): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (1): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2012

Principal Editor

Jairo Lugo-Ocando
University of Sharjah, UAE

Associate Editor (Special Issues)

Sadia Jamil
University of Nottingham, China

Book Reviews Editor

Sabina Civila

Editorial Assistant

Peter Taylor

Founding Editor

Leon Barkho
University of Sharjah, UAE and Jönköping University, Sweden

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