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Katja-Maria Prexl

Katja-Maria Prexl, Ph.D., obtained her Ph.D. at the Zeppelin University with the title ‘Contextualization of individual absorptive capacity’. She graduated from economics, communications and cultural study programmes in Mannheim, Newcastle upon Tyne and Friedrichshafen and has worked for various companies and start-ups. During the research for this article, she was postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Innovation, Consumer and Sensory Science at the Norwegian food research institute. Her research interests are to match consumer and market needs for increased plant-based food consumption using foresight and design thinking-based methodologies to facilitate human-centred innovation.

Contact: Department of Innovation, Consumer and Sensory Science, Nofima Ås, PO Box 210, N-1431 Ås, Norway.

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