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René Weber

René Weber is a Peruvian film-maker, educator and critic. Born in Lima in 1942, he studied social economics in Paris in the 1960s, and film-making with Peruvian film-making pioneer Armando Robles Godoy in the 1970s. He was a professor at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima for nearly 25 years, primarily teaching educational psychology; since 1992, he has also taught film history and screenwriting at the Instituto Charles Chaplin. In the mid-1980s, he joined the film-making collective Grupo Chaski, where he was primarily in charge of popular and commercial distribution. He participated in the film-making of various short and feature-length films, including as screenwriter for the internationally recognized feature film Juliana (1988). In the 1990s, Weber co-founded Verde Luna Cine-Video and was a member of the National Film Council. From 2004 to 2006, Weber acted as director of the Film Arts division at the Cultural Center for the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He also served as editor-in-chief of Butaca sanmarquina (now Butaca) during this period and helped revitalize that publication. He currently serves as part of the production arm of Chaski Comunicación Audiovisual, where, among other things, he was executive producer of and co-wrote the award-winning documentary Sueños lejanos/Distant Dreams in 2007.

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