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Saad N. Jawad

Saad N. Jawad has a BA in political science (University of Baghdad, 1970) and a Ph.D. in international politics (UCW-Aberystwyth, 1977). He was a professor of political science in the College of Political Science, University of Baghdad (1978–2010), a senior fellow in London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE; 2008–13) and a member of the research team MEC at LSE. He has authored many books in Arabic and English, the latest being Iraq after the Invasion: From Fragmentation to Rebirth and Reintegration (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). He was the former president of the Arab Association of Political Science and is a member of the board of editors of Middle East Journal-Amman.

Contact: MEC at LSE, 1 Clement’s Inn, London WC2A 2AZ, UK.

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