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Sony Jalarajan Raj

Dr Sony Jalarajan Raj is an assistant professor at the Department of Communication, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada. Dr Raj is a professional journalist turned academic who has worked in different demanding positions as a reporter, special correspondent and producer in several news media channels like BBC, NDTV, Doordarshan, AIR and Asianet News. Dr Raj served as the graduate coordinator and assistant professor of communication arts at the Institute for Communication, Entertainment and Media at St. Thomas University Florida, USA. He was a full-time faculty member in journalism, mass communication and media studies at Monash University, Australia, Curtin University, Mahatma Gandhi University and the University of Kerala. Dr Raj was the recipient of Reuters Fellowship and is a Thomson Foundation (United Kingdom) Fellow in Television Studies with the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association Scholarship.

Contact: Department of Communication, MacEwan University, 11-424-G Allard Hall-FFAC, 10700-104 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 4S2, Canada.

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