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Cláudia Madeira

Cláudia Madeira is an associate professor and researcher at ICNOVA (where she is vice-coordinator of the Performance & Cognition Group) at Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon. She also collaborates at the Center for Theatre Studies (CET/FLUL) as a researcher. Cláudia has completed a postdoctoral programme, Arte Social. Arte Performativa? (‘Social art. Performative art?’) (2009–12) and holds a Ph.D. in sociology on Hibridismo nas Artes Performativas em Portugal (‘Performing arts hybridity in Portugal’) (2007) from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. In addition to several articles on new forms of hybridism and performativity in the arts, she is the author of Performance Art in Portugal (Routledge, 2023), Arte da Performance made in Portugal (ICNOVA Ebook, 2020), Híbrido. Do Mito ao Paradigma Invasor? (‘Hybrid. From myth to the new invasive paradigm?’) (Mundos Sociais, 2010) and Novos Notáveis: os Programadores Culturais (‘New dignitaries: The cultural programmers’) (CELTA, 2002). Cláudia teaches in the performing arts degree and master´s courses at the Department of Communication Sciences at NOVA FCSH.