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Johannes Birringer

Johannes Birringer is a choreographer and media artist; he co-directs the Design and Performance Lab at Brunel University where he is a professor of performance technologies in the School of Arts. He has created numerous dance-theatre works, video installations and digital projects in collaboration with artists in Europe, the Americas, China, and Japan. The DAP-Lab’s crossmedia research explores convergences between physical movement choreography, visual expression in dance/film/fashion, wearable design and real-time interactive data flow environments ( DAP-Lab’s interactive dance-work Suna no Onna was featured at festivals in London (2007–08); the mixed-reality installation UKIYO went on European tour in 2010. The dance opera for the time being (2014) premiered at Sadler’s Wells in London. A new series of immersive dance installations, metakimospheres, began touring in Europe in 2015–17. His books include Theatre Theory Postmodernism (1989), Media and Performance (1998), Performance on the Edge (2000), and Performance, Technology, and Science (2009). He has spearheaded new trans-disciplinary dance–research projects, and co-edited (with Josephine Fenger) the GTF books Tanz im Kopf (Dance and Cognition) (2005), and Tanz & Wahnsinn (Dance & Choreomania) (2011).