Journal of Applied Arts & Health (Journal)

ISSN 20402457 , ONLINE ISSN 20402465

This international peer-reviewed journal intends to serve a wide global community of artists, researchers, practitioners, healthcare professionals, educators, therapists and policymakers profiling the effectiveness of art as the mode of inquiry and evidence within the interdisciplinary areas of arts in health and arts for health. It provides a forum for publication and debate of arts in health care and health promotion. The journal defines ‘health’ broadly to include physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, occupational, social and community health.

Journal of Applied Arts & Health is supported by the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA).

This title is indexed with Scopus.

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here.

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Aims & Scope

This double-blind peer-reviewed journal provides artists, researchers, practitioners, healthcare professionals, educators, therapists and policymakers opportunities to particularly report and reflect upon art-based research practices that distinctly emphasise art as the mode of inquiry including art as the evidence of that inquiry. The Journal of Applied Arts and Health (JAAH) discourages research studies that are predominantly non-artistic in nature. JAAH provides a vehicle for high quality research and forward-thinking scholarly activity embracing multifaceted understandings of aesthetic modes of engagement. Contributors include eminent and experienced workers and scholars in the field, but JAAH strongly encourages cutting-edge contemporary and experimental work from emerging practitioners. JAAH provides a prominent platform for artistic research in addressing the art as evidence base in applied arts and health. The journal embraces contributions of an international dimension.


To submit an article, please follow the 'Submit' button on the left of this page.
Download the Notes for Contributors for information on format and style of submissions. If you need this document in a more accessible format, please contact Find more information on Intellect's Accessibility page.
Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous, anonymous, external peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.


Shaun McNiff's response to Journal of Applied Arts and Health 14.3, Special Issue: 'Celebrating Shaun McNiff':


Introduction by Shaun McNiff to the Special Issue of Journal of Applied Arts and Health 4.1:


Guest-editor Shaun McNiff launches issue 3.1 on art-based research:

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Special Issue: ‘Creativity, the Arts and the Environment’ Download

Notes for Contributors Download

General Call for Papers

The journal invites contributions from artists, researchers, healthcare professionals, educators, therapists, programme administrators and others throughout the world seeking to broaden understanding of art as the mode of inquiry in the application of artistic expression to all types to well-being, health and healthcare practices. Research articles for peer review should seek to emphasise art as the mode of inquiry when applying artistic expression to health practices and be grounded in the relevant literature. JAAH encourages the use of all art forms, including multi-modal practices, as research in providing such evidence and discourages research studies that are predominantly non-artistic in nature. JAAH prefers the use of the collective term ‘art-based’ research (instead of the siloing ‘arts-based’) and discourages the use of the term ‘intervention’ to describe research processes involving the creation of art. With respect to the latter, we recommend language that avoids the quasi scientific approach that the term ‘intervention’ currently indicates. Most importantly, we encourage authors to have the art processes speak more predominantly in their submissions (e.g. illustrations of various forms of artistic expression versus tables with numbers). JAAH focuses on artistic research and our goal is to promote confidence in art AS the evidence. In other words, our readers want to know about the artwork that was done and the participants’ experience in their own words (be those verbal or non-verbally expressed in art). JAAH publishes:

  • Peer-reviewed articles
  • Peer-reviewed ‘Notes from the Field’ discussions
  • Visual essays
  • Interviews
  • In Memoria
  • Book reviews
  • Conference reports

Submissions should be submitted by 1 October for issue 1, 1 February for issue 2 and 1 June for issue 3 of each volume.

To propose a book review or conference report, contact the Reviews Editor

Before submitting, authors should carefully review and follow the notes for contributors found on our website. Submissions that do not follow our formatting will be returned to the authors. The peer review process takes approximately 10-16 weeks, depending on a number of factors. The given deadlines are for articles that are accepted or accepted with minor changes. Articles which need major revision and/or a second round of reviews will require additional time and will be considered for a later issue.

Special Issue Call for Papers

Special Issue: ‘Creativity, the Arts and the Environment’, Volume 16.2 (Summer 2025)

Special Issue Editor: Gary Nash (University of Hertfordshire, UK)

This Special Issue welcomes practice papers, notes from the field and visual essay submissions on nature and outdoor-based expressive arts therapy. We are looking for ethical, evidence-informed, art-based evidence and research, and original contributions from the expressive arts therapy community. Submissions for peer review should seek to evidence the effectiveness of applying arts to health practices and are grounded in the relevant literature. JAAH encourages the use of art (all art forms) as research in providing such evidence and discourages research studies that are predominantly non-artistic in nature. Whilst some possible themes are outlined below, we welcome articles on any aspect of nature- and outdoor-based expressive arts therapy:

  • Establishing and holding a therapeutic frame in natural environments
  • Working with risk and safeguarding challenges, solutions and opportunities
  • Art-based evidence and artistic process working outdoors and with nature's palette 
  • Exploring the use of different media and modalities in outdoor settings
  • Facilitating the movement of creative process with individuals and groups
  • Cultivating cultural and creative practice that embraces issues of climate change and social justice
  • Promoting connection with nature, environmental awareness and sustainability in the arts therapies

Please submit an outline including a 100-word abstract and 200-word overview to JAAH by 1 December 2024. Outline proposals should be sent to: Please make sure to include that you are submitting for the Special Issue in your email.

Outlines accepted for inclusion in the special issue will need to be submitted in their proposed form by 1 February to go through peer review. That process will take approximately 8 weeks to complete. Authors will then have approximately 4 weeks to make any needed revisions. Before submitting their contribution, authors will need to carefully review and follow the notes for contributors found on our website (can be emailed upon request). Submissions that do not follow our formatting will be returned to the authors.

 JAAH publishes:

  • Peer-reviewed research articles
  • Peer-reviewed ‘Notes from the field’ discussions
  • Peer-reviewed visual essays
  • Interviews
  • Book reviews
  • Conference reports

All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Editorial Board

Katherine Boydell
Black Dog Institute, University of New South Wales, Australia

Libby Byrne
La Trobe University, Australia

Laura Caulfield
University of Wolverhampton, UK

Patricia Fenner
La Trobe University, Australia

Viggo Krüger
University of Bergen, Norway

Robert Landy
New York University, USA

Ruth Mateus-Berr
University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria

Vivien Marcow-Speiser
Lesley University, USA

Shaun McNiff
Lesley University, USA

Abbe Miller
Independent Scholar, USA

Louise Moody
Coventry University, UK

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Matthew Reason
York St John University, UK

Nick Rowe
York St John University, UK

Bruce Rumbold
La Trobe University, Australia

Nisha Sajnani
New York University, USA

Juliana Saxton
University of Victoria, Canada

Ilene Serlin
California Institute of Integral Studies, USA

Mark Seton
University of Sydney, Australia

Peter Sinapius
MSH Medical School Hamburg, Germany

Jacqueline Taylor
Birmingham City University, UK

Wenche Torrissen
Volda University College and Norwegian Resource Centre for Arts and Health, Norway

Michael Viega
Montclair State University, USA

Yanyi Yang
Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)
British Humanities Index (BHI)
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
EBSCO: Art & Architecture Complete
EBSCO: Art & Architecture Source
EBSCO: Art Source
EBSCO: CAB Abstracts
EBSCO: Pharmacy Collection: India
EBSCO: TOC Premier
International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP)
International Index to the Performing Arts (IIPA)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory


  • Volume (15): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2024


  • Volume (14): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (14): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (14): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (13): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (13): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (13): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (12): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (12): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (12): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (11): Issue (1-2)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (11): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (10): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (10): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (10): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (9): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (9): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (9): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (8): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (8): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (8): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (7): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (7): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (7): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (6): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (6): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (6): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (5): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (5): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (5): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (4): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (4): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (4): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (3): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (3): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (3): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2012


  • Volume (2): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2011


  • Volume (2): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2011


  • Volume (2): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2011


  • Volume (1): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2010


  • Volume (1): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2010


  • Volume (1): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2010

Principal Editor

Ross W. Prior

Associate Editor

Mitchell Kossak
Lesley University, USA

Assistant Editor

Teresa A. Fisher
Bronx Community College – CUNY, USA

Reviews Editor

Gary Nash
University of Hertfordshire, UK

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