Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies (Journal)

ISSN 20504039 , ONLINE ISSN 20504047

The Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies is a trans-disciplinary publication focusing on the range of issues and subjects which are relevant to New Zealand and Pacific studies, with a priority for the latter given to Polynesia and the South Pacific.

The Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies is sponsored by the New Zealand Studies Association (NZSA). 

This title is indexed with Scopus.

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here.

Category: Cultural Studies

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK

Notes for Contributors Download

Aims & Scope

The Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies covers disciplines including the humanities and social sciences, and subjects such as cultural studies, history, literature, film, anthropology, politics and sociology. Each issue of this publication aims to establish a balance between papers on New Zealand and papers on the South Pacific, with a reports and book reviews section included. 

The journal is sponsored by the New Zealand Studies Association and hosted by the University of Vienna. It has replaced the key publication NZSA Bulletin of New Zealand Studies.


To submit an article, please follow the 'Submit' button on the left of this page.
Download the Notes for Contributors above for information on format and style of submissions. If you need this document in a more accessible format, please contact Find more information on Intellect's Accessibility page.
Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK


General Call for Papers

Contributions are encouraged from disciplines including the humanities and the social sciences, and from subjects such as cultural studies, history, literature, film, anthropology, politics and sociology.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price. 

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK

International Advisory Board

Michael Belgrave
Massey University, New Zealand

Rudy Bessard
National University of Vanuatu, Vanuatu

Yifen Beus
Brigham Young University, Hawai‘i, USA

André Brett
Curtin University, Australia

Rainer Buschmann
California State University Channel Islands, USA

Paola Della Valle
University of Turin, Italy

Vincent Dropsy
University of French Polynesia, French Polynesia

Anna Ďurfina
University College Prague, Czech Republic

Oona Frawley
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Jeffrey Geiger
University of Essex, UK

Patrice Godin
University of New Caledonia, New Caledonia

Hilary Halba
University of Otago, New Zealand

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Sei Kosugi
University of Osaka, Japan

Richard Lansdown
James Cook University, Australia

David Lea
University of Papua New Guinea

Javier Leyva Ortiz
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, Mexico

Lamont Lindstrom
University of Tulsa, USA

Martin Lodge
University of Waikato, New Zealand

David Lowe
University of Waikato, New Zealand

Malcolm MacLean
University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK

Anne Magnan-Park
Indiana University South Bend, USA

Jessica Maufort
Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Sonja Mausen
RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Conal McCarthy
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Brian McDonnell
Massey University, New Zealand

Daniel McKay
New Mexico Military Institute, USA

Paula Morris
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Michaela Moura-Koçoğlu
Florida International University, USA

Adrian Muckle
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Hermann Mückler
University of Vienna, Austria

Susan Najita
University of Michigan, USA

Eric Pawson
University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Max Quanchi
University of Queensland, Australia

Gerardo Rodríguez-Salas
University of Granada, Spain

Eva Rueschmann
Hampshire College, USA

Noriyuki Sagawa
Kindai University, Japan

Bernadette Samau
National University of Samoa

Jane Samson
University of Alberta, Canada

Roy Smith
Nottingham Trent University, UK

Marc Tabani
CREDO, Aix-Marseille University, France

Hilke Thode-Arora
Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich, Germany

Kirsten Moana Thompson
Seattle University, USA

Tatiana Tokolyova
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia

Susanna Trnka
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Toon van Meijl
Radboud University, The Netherlands

Wonu Veys
National Museum of World Cultures, the Netherlands

Andrea Wright
Edge Hill University, UK

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK

ANVUR class A
British Humanities Index (BHI)
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
EBSCO: Humanities Source Ultimate
European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
International Bibliography of Book Reviews in Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory


  • Volume (12): Issue (1)
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  • Volume (11): Issue (1)
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  • Volume (11): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (10): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (10): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (9): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (9): Issue (2)
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  • Volume (8): Issue (1)
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  • Volume (8): Issue (2)
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  • Volume (7): Issue (1)
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  • Volume (7): Issue (2)
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  • Volume (6): Issue (1)
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  • Volume (6): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (5): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (5): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (4): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (4): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (3): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (3): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (2): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (2): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (1): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (1): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2013

Principal Editors

Ian Conrich
Stockholm University, Sweden

Heather Waldroup
Appalachian State University, USA

Assistant Editor

Felix Hockey

Reviews Editors

Angela Kölling
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Cornelia Kaufmann
SAS, University of London, UK

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