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Paola Panarese

Paola Panarese is associate professor of sociology of cultural and communicative processes at Sapienza University of Rome. Her research and teaching interests are focused on gender and media, young people’s leisure, advertising and ethics. She is co-chair of Mediamonitor Minori Research Observatory and member of the founding group and the scientific board of the GeMMa (Gender and Media Matters) research team. She is also president of the master’s degree course in gender studies, cultures and policies for media and communication at Sapienza University of Rome. Among her books about gender and media are: Comunicaciòn, gènero y educaciòn: Representaciones y (de)construcciones, with J. C. Suárez Villegas and S. Marín Conejo (eds) (Dykinson, 2019); Comunicación de las identidades sexogenéricas: Resistencias y avances en derechos y libertades, with L. A. Guadarrama Rico and J. C. Suárez Villegas (eds) (Dykinson, 2019) and La desigualdad de género invisibilizada en la Comunicaciòn, with A. Guadarrama Rico, J. Vilchis Valero and J. C. Suarez Villegas (eds) (Dykinson, 2017).

Contact: Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy.