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Sofia Pantouvaki

Dr Sofia Pantouvaki is a scenographer and professor of costume design at Aalto University, Finland. She is an awarded practising designer with over ninety credits in major European venues, and curator of international projects, including the Finnish Student exhibits at PQ2015 (Gold Medal) and PQ2023 (awarded ‘Most Imaginative and Inventive Design’). She is the chair of Critical Costume, a founding editor of Studies in Costume and Performance and OISTAT Executive Committee member. She led the research project ‘Costume Methodologies’ (Academy of Finland, 2014–18) and is lead editor of Performance Costume: New Perspectives and Methods (Bloomsbury, 2021).

Contact: Department of Film, Aalto University, P. O. Box 13300, FI-00076, AALTO, Helsinki, Finland.

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Studies in Costume & Performance
Editors Sofia Pantouvaki and Suzanne Osmond Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor Nadia Malik Book Reviews Editor Madeline Taylor