Studies in Costume & Performance (Journal)

ISSN 20524013 , ONLINE ISSN 20524021

Studies in Costume & Performance is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to encourage, generate and disseminate critical discourse on costume and the relationship between costume and performance. It considers costume as a symbiotic articulation of the body of the performer which is visual, cultural, political, material, temporal and performative. Whether performed live, mediated through a screen, or encountered in an archive, costume embodies and reflects not only the performance, but also societies, cultures and communities.

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here.


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Notes for Contributors Download

Aims & Scope

Studies in Costume & Performance aims to encourage, generate and disseminate critical discourse on costume and the relationship between costume, performance and wider concerns. It considers costume as a symbiotic articulation of the body of the performer which is visual, cultural, political, material, temporal and performative. Past and current practice is considered through the 'reading' of the costumed body as a communication of embodied narratives. Whether performed live, mediated through a screen, or encountered in an archive, costume embodies and reflects not only the performance, but also societies, cultures and communities. 

The work included in the journal addresses costume in an expanded manner, taking into consideration both historical and contemporary concerns, including ethical entanglements with gender, race, class and social exclusion. It also engages with technological and digital advances, and ecocritical transformations of the world. The journal brings together interdisciplinary scholars from a growing number of fields as well as critically engaged practitioners to reflect and debate costume in performance, its production and reception, as well as its advancing academic critical thought. As a dynamically developing area of research, we actively invite authors, reviewers and guest editors from diverse areas of expertise and underrepresented geopolitical areas to problematize the multiple agencies of costume.


To submit an article, please follow the 'Submit' button on the left of this page.
Download the Notes for Contributors above for information on format and style of submissions. If you need this document in a more accessible format, please contact Find more information on Intellect's Accessibility page.
Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous anonymous peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

General Call for Papers

Submissions include research articles, research reports, visual essays, in-conversations, documents, and reviews. The journal is double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholarly integrity.

There are multiple phases in the process of double-blind peer review that is undertaken for each published article in Studies in Costume and Performance:

  1. Internal evaluation to determine if a new submission can go to peer review or requires resubmission or is unsuitable.

  2. Submission is sent for external double-blind peer review by experts related to the topic. Reviewers are chosen carefully by the journal editors according to their disciplinary expertise and level of seniority. Consideration is given to the interdisciplinarity of the submissions and where appropriate disciplinary expertise can be accessed.

  3. Journal editors manage the revisions of the text according to the external peer reviewers’ feedback.

  4. Should the process result in two conflicting reviews, a third reviewer is engaged.

  5. Where requested, the revised texts are sent back to the external reviewers for further comments and evaluation.

  6. The journal’s editors provide additional feedback, guidance and commentary for the finalisation of the texts.

  7. Authors undertake additional/final revisions based on the editors’ feedback before submission of the final draft of the text.

  8. Journal editors undertake a final check before a text is accepted for publication.

  9. Guest editors are supported throughout this process by one or more of the internal editors to ensure the rigour is maintained in each issue.

Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Special Issue Call for Papers

Special Issue: 'Costume and Character in Film and Television', Issue 10.2

Studies in Costume and Performance invites submissions for issue 10.2 (to be published in December 2025) on the theme ‘Costume and Character in Film and Television’.

Since the early years of motion pictures and television, costume designers have contributed to powerful cinematic storytelling. Yet, film and television costuming and its designers remain rather under-researched: many designers’ names are little known, and the contribution of their teams (assistants, supervisors, and makers) is often hard to discern from the records. This issue of Studies in Costume and Performance focuses on the design, the production process – including creative collaborations with filmmakers and actors – and the significance of costume design to the shaping of identity, gender, narrative, politics, memory, culture and more, in film and television.

Following the Critical Costume 2024 international conference and exhibition, hosted by the David C. Copley Center for the Study of Costume Design at UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television in Los Angeles, USA, this themed issue focuses on the role and significance of costume design in shaping cinematic performance.

We invite submissions from scholars and practitioners that examine the intelligence, artistry, skill, and technical knowledge of costume designers, with special focus on its impact on the outcome and its reception within popular culture.

Contributions might address topics including but not limited to:

  • The history and evolution of costume design in film and television
  • The relationship between costume design and other elements of production (such as cinematography, production design, and visual effects)
  • Costume design as a tool to convey and actualize character
  • Genre: style, scale, and detail in an actor’s transformation
  • Synergies between costume and popular culture
  • Costume professionals in film and television (gender and wage equity, royalties/IP)
  • The career and influence of a film or television costume designer
  • New horizons in film and television costume design (3D printing, digital/VFX, AI): potentials and challenges

We welcome an interdisciplinary approach and seek a variety of content, including:

Articles (4000-6000 words including notes and references); research reports (2500-4000 words); ‘in-conversations’ with artists, designers, or scholars (2000-4000 words); visual essays (1500-2500 words with emphasis on visual evidence), and reviews of events and new publications (750-1500 words).

Please submit your contribution by 15 September 2024 through the following link:

The journal is double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholarly integrity. 

For further information, please read the Notes for Contributors. Authors are expected to consult the Information for Journal Editors and Contributors and use the latest Intellect Style Guide.

This themed issue is edited by Chair and Associate Professor Michelle Liu Carriger, Department of Theater, UCLA and Professor Sofia Pantouvaki, Aalto University, Finland. For questions and enquiries, please email: and

Studies in Costume and Performance brings together scholars and critically engaged practitioners and designers working in the fields of costume, performance, scenography, curation, and fashion to facilitate critical discourse on costume and its relationship with live or mediated performance.


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Editorial Board

Alexandra Bonds
University of Oregon, USA

Kate Dorney
University of Manchester, UK

Joanne Entwistle
King’s College London, UK

Tiziana Ferrero-Regis
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Catherine Hindson
University of Bristol
, UK

Patricia Lennox
NYU Gallatin, USA

Bella Mirabella
Gallatin, New York University, USA

Margaret Mitchell
UIW Theatre Arts, Texas, USA

Siobhán O'Gorman
University of Lincoln, UK

Catherine Spooner
Lancaster University, UK

Peta Tait
LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia

Melissa Trimingham
University of Kent, UK

Fausto Viana
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Advisory Board

Christopher Breward
National Galleries of Scotland, UK

Judith Clark
University of the Arts London, UK

Amy de la Haye
University of the Arts London, UK

Nicky Gillibrand
Costume Designer, UK

Barbara Kaesbohrer
University of Osnabrück, Germany

Sodja Lotker
Prague Academy of Performing Arts, Czech Republic

Deborah Nadoolman Landis
University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Aoife Monks
Queen Mary University of London

Jane Pritchard
Victoria and Albert Museum, UK

Simona Rybáková
Costume Designer, Czech Republic

Helen Thomas
University of the Arts London, UK

Claire Wilcox
Victoria and Albert Museum, UK


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
International Index to the Performing Arts (IIPA)
Publication Forum Finland
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory


  • Volume (8): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (8): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (7): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (7): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (6): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (6): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (5): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (5): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (4): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (4): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (3): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (3): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (2): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (2): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (1): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2016


  • Volume (1): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2016


Sofia Pantouvaki
Aalto University, Finland

Suzanne Osmond
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Australia

Exhibition and Events Reviews Editor

Nadia Malik
London College of Fashion, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Madeline Taylor
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

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