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Sozita Goudouna

Dr Sozita Goudouna is a professor and curator. She is the author of Beckett’s Breath: Anti-Theatricality and the Visual Arts (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernism, Oxford University Press) and the forthcoming co-authored book Mourning the Ends: Collaborative Writing and Performance by Punctum Books. As a visiting professor at Goldsmiths, she initiated the MA in Breath Studies, focusing on breath in the performing and visual arts. Additionally, she authored a chapter in the Routledge Critical Studies on Breath and is the editor of the forthcoming Performance Research Journal issue ‘On Breath’ and ‘On Iconologies’ as well as the co-editor of the Performance Research issue ‘On The Mundane’. Her research has been published in The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, GPS Global Performance Studies, Theater Topics, Seismopolite Art & Politics Journal, BST Body Space & Technology Journal, PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research, The Journal of Poverty and TheatreThe International Journal of the Arts in Society, DRHA: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Publication, among others. She holds a Ph.D. in American High Modernism from the University of London, an MA from King’s College London/RADA: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and a BA in philosophy and theatre studies from LondonMet. She has taught art and theatre history, the course ‘From Renaissance to Modernism’, at CUNY (City University of New York) as an adjunct professor, as well as at NYU (New York University), The New School, SUNY, Roger Williams University, the University of the Peloponnese, and Pace University.
