Publishers of Original Thinking

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Surveys how art educators are engaging with a new range of approaches to museum education, responding to

modern challenges in ways that are uniquely Canadian.



Art Education in Canadian Museums cover

An interdisciplinary journal that provides a forum for debate on the historical and contemporary aspects of media and communication in Africa. This title is indexed with Scopus and the Web of Science’s Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).


Journal of African Media Studies 16.1 cover

Explores nature, cognition and society as an interwoven tapestry across disciplinary boundaries, examining how information and communication are instrumental in and for living systems.



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Aims to provide opportunities for exploring international dimensions of community music practice and research, thereby contributing to the theory and practice of participatory music making. This title is indexed with Scopus and the Web of Science’s Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).


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Showing 5-6 of 1,497 items.
Friday 19 July 2024
Journal of Greek Media & Culture 10.1 is out now!
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Friday 19 July 2024
Material Media-Making in the Digital Age is out in paperback!
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