Fashion, Style & Popular Culture (Journal)

ISSN 20500726 , ONLINE ISSN 20500734

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture is a peer-reviewed journal specifically dedicated to the area of fashion scholarship's interfacings with popular culture. It was established to provide an interdisciplinary environment for fashion academics and practitioners to publish innovative scholarship in all aspects of fashion and popular culture relating to design, textiles, production, promotion, consumption and appearance-related products and services.

Sponsored by Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design.  

Special Issue: ‘#BlackLivesMatter: Fashion, Style & Aesthetics’. All content from this issue is available Open Access from Intellect Discover!

Follow FSPC on: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

This title is indexed with Scopus* and the Web of Science’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

For more information, to access the journal or to subscribe visit the Discover platform here


*Please note that Online First articles for FSPC may take up to two years to appear on the Scopus database. Articles will be indexed with Scopus once they are published within an issue of the journal.



Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

Aims & Scope

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture is a peer-reviewed journal specifically dedicated to the area of fashion scholarship and its interfacings with popular culture. It was established to provide an interdisciplinary environment for fashion academics and practitioners to publish innovative scholarship in all aspects of fashion and popular culture relating to design, textiles, production, promotion, consumption and appearance-related products and services. Articles related to history, manufacturing, aesthetics, sourcing, marketing, branding, merchandising, retailing, technology, psychological/sociological aspects of dress, style, body image, and cultural identities, as well as purchasing, shopping, and the ways and means consumers construct identity as associated to Fashion, Style & Popular Culture are welcomed. The journal offers a broad range of written and visual scholarship and includes works done through various methods of research. We welcome conceptual, theoretical and translational applied research in the areas of fashion, style and popular culture. This journal hopes to stimulate new discussions in the fashion disciplines and to push the envelope of scholarship by welcoming new and established scholars to submit their works.


To submit an article, please follow the 'Submit' button on the left of this page.
Download the Notes for Contributors for information on format and style of submissions. If you need this document in a more accessible format, please contact Find more information on Intellect's Accessibility page.
Intellect has partnered with Enago to offer a 20% discount on their services for our authors and contributors. Enago provide English editing services, including copy editing and translation. This service is intended for potential contributors who would like translation and/or copy editing assistance prior to submitting their work for consideration. Visit their page here to find out more.
All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.
Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.

Peer Review Policy

All articles undergo initial editorial screening either by the journal's Editorial Team and/or incumbent Guest Editors. Articles then undergo a rigorous, anonymous, external peer review by two referees, following the guidance in Intellect's 'Peer review instructions'. Based on this feedback, the Editors will communicate a decision and revision suggestions to authors. To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the main Editor who will consider your case.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal follows the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Read our Ethical Guidelines for more on the journal's standards.

Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

Call for Papers for Special Issue: 'Dressing through Pandemics' Download

Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2024

Call for Papers for Special Issue: 'Products as Fashion' Download

Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2024

Call for Papers for Special Issue: ‘Artificial Intelligence: Design, Production, Media and Consumers’ Download

Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2025

Call for Papers for Special Issue: ‘Queer Celebrities: Fashion, Style and Influence in Popular Culture’ Download

Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2025

Notes for Contributors Download

CFP: ‘Fashion and Culture in East Asia: Nation and Sense of Belonging’ Download

Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2025

CFP: ‘Fashion and Culture in East Asia: Sociocultural Identities’ Download

Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2025

General Call for Papers

All original manuscript submissions must include full metadata – abstract, keywords, contributor biography and contact details – and follow Intellect's house style. Please read the journal's Notes for Contributors before submitting.

All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture is concerned with style, fashion, clothing, design, and related trends, as well as appearances and consumption as they relate to popular culture. Scholarship using and/or including: historical, manufacturing, aesthetics, marketing, branding, merchandising, retailing, psychological/ sociological aspects of dress, body image, and cultural identities, in addition to any areas topics such as purchasing, shopping, and the ways in which consumers construct identities are welcome.

Papers from all research methods and disciplines are welcome! Innovative and new popular culture research, scholarship and creative works in the areas of fashion, design, style, the body and consumerism are encouraged!

Please email manuscripts of 5000–8000 words to our editor Joseph H. Hancock, Ph.D. at Only manuscripts in Word doc format will be accepted – please do not send PDFs. 

Call for Reviews

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture seeks scholastic reviews on the latest books, movies, media, museum exhibitions, musical groups and performers, retailing stores, global fashion events, merchandising techniques and styles as they relate to our journal. If you have something you would like us to review or a review that you would like to write, please send your inquiry to Jessica Strubel at

All images need to be included with ALL SUBMISSIONS. Authors are responsible for copyright permissions.

Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. 

Special Issue Call for Papers 

‘Dressing through Pandemics’

Guest Editor: Dr Elizabeth Kealy-Morris, Manchester Fashion Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

On 11 March 2020, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Sixteen years earlier, in February 2003, the SARS-CoV-1 (SARS) virus was identified during an outbreak in China and declared a pandemic soon after. From its origins in China in December 2019, COVID-19 quickly spread to the West where there was little collective memory nor public health experience containing a pandemic. To limit the transmission of the virus while vaccines were still unavailable, lockdowns were imposed around the world. Society was turned upside down in ways that often felt traumatic: new ways of living, communicating, learning, working and dressing were imposed overnight. Much has been written about important medical aspects of both pandemics, but little discourse has been shared regarding the ways in which fashion, style and popular culture were disrupted and changed through pandemic experiences. 

This Special Issue develops a multidisciplinary discourse which reflects and extends awareness and appreciation for the ways in which the pandemics altered and transformed our wardrobes, clothing consumption, ways of dressing and even the purpose of clothing. Research would be welcomed into the ways in which SARS, COVID-19 and other pandemics brought a new appreciation of clothing as safety and shield, and recognition that protective apparel manufacturing is an essential industry to public health initiatives with moral imperatives to act civically. Discussions into how lives lived online and in lockdown changed behaviour towards how fashion was consumed and worn would be valued. Additionally, the editor would appreciate research into the differing behaviours and belief systems regarding medical mask wearing in East Asian culture versus the West where mask wearing as a public health initiative was unique to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • Clothing and dress as protection
  • Home sewing PPE and communities of practice
  • Online fashion consumption
  • Fashion brands’ remote experiential marketing strategies
  • Fashion houses dedicating machine time to PPE production
  • Developing a ‘waist up wardrobe’ for Zoom calls
  • The rise and rise of leisurewear during lockdowns
  • Cloth is not neutral (1): The medical mask as fashion accessory and protector
  • Cloth is not neutral (2): The politicization of the medical mask
  • The medical mask as a welcomed shield for people with facial disfigurements and dermatological issues
  • Cultural attitude to medical mask wearing: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) versus Community Protective Equipment (CPE)
  • Lessons of the Spanish Flu pandemic: the medical mask introduced into popular culture.
  • The troubled history of face coverings in the US – issues of racist aggression, profiling, discrimination, and the effects on personal health and public health initiatives
  • Designing masks we want to wear
  • Case studies of knowledge transfer initiatives between sectors to solve issues of design, supply, and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kit 

Full papers should be sent to Elizabeth Kealy-Morris, Manchester Fashion Institute at no later than 1 September 2024.  All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed.

Papers will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed as such. Questions regarding the journal should be sent to Joseph H. Hancock II at


'Products as Fashion' 

Guest Editor: June He, Drexel University, USA

As most of us know, fashion is not just clothing; in conversations about products, our usual starting point is their design and functionality. Following that, we take into account aspects like aesthetics and branding before purchasing them and adding them to our personal collection. In discussions about fashion, we tend to consider factors such as personal expression, current trends and societal implications. Throughout history, human civilization has witnessed a rich array of commodities serving as expressions of individualistic tastes, encompassing attire, footwear, accessories, and jewellery. In the contemporary era, with the rapid development of science and technology, intelligent wearable products such as digital watches, wristbands and eyewear have emerged. These not only enhance everyday practicality, but also incorporate personalized customization to cater to user preferences. 

With increasing frequency, people use products as a form of fashion to display their social position and personal values. As human needs become more individualized and technologies like artificial intelligence and 3D printing continue to advance, it's important to explore how to bring together product and fashion design to create novel and innovative solutions moving forward, and integrate the technologies used in both fields. This Special Issue of Fashion, Style & Popular Culture invites writers to explore the evolution of products as fashion in the history of human civilization, within the context of various cultures, ethnicities and geographical locations, as well as consumer identities and future trends. 

Potential topics regarding Products as Fashion include:

  • History
  • Speculative design
  • Wearable products and fashion
  • Sustainability
  • Consumer fashion in product design
  • Materials and manufacturing methods
  • Technology
  • Traditional craftsmanship
  • Global trend
  • Customization
  • Culture and identity
  • Product semantics
  • Ethnicity and race 

Manuscripts should be approximately 5000 words and prepared using the Intellect House Style, which may be accessed at: 

Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2024

Manuscripts will not be considered unless they follow Intellect guidelines.

Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis and are reviewed as they arrive. All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed for acceptance into the journal. 

Please send manuscripts to June He, Drexel University at:

For questions regarding submissions or enquiries regarding the journal, Fashion, Style & Popular

Culture, please contact Principal Editor, Joseph Hancock:


‘Artificial Intelligence: Design, Production, Media and Consumers’ 

Guest Editors: Catharine Weiss, Lasell University, USA and Mary Ruppert, Washington University, St. Louis, USA 

With the success of two previous issues of Fashion, Style & Popular Culture (FSPC) on Fashion Innovation and Merchandising Technologies we now introduce a third on artificial intelligence. This volume will address artificial intelligence (AI), exploring how AI influences fashion creativity and design, how curated and digital consumption now takes place, and how the interconnected relationship between technology, brand delivery, and data collection manifests within fashion and retail. The edition will emphasize how contemporary technology will modify the creative element for fashion designers and content developers, and lead to new ways of delivering refined consumer information. The publication will be a compilation of scholarly research designed around a central theme under three distinct categories, producing holistic and relevant content. Whether it’s in the way we create and develop products and digital content and experiences through AI, how trends are captured through algorithms or ways digital fashion is delivered to and engaged by consumers through their devices, this volume will continue to reflect the zeitgeist of fashion and how it now runs parallel with technology. Topics can include, but are not limited to: 

AI and Design/Production

  • AI for accelerated design processes
  • Smarter production capabilities based on more refined forecasting and inventory analysis
  • Sustainable solutions for development and production
  • AI-generated product design, logos, and branding
  • Ethical aspects of AI-generated content
  • AI for creative inspiration and mood board

AI and The Media

  • Cultural movements and consumer engagement in the technological world
  • AI and the changing nature of content and copywriting
  • Social media and the curated message
  • Branding and digital creations
  • Personalized experiences, Open AI and memory
  • AI agents
  • Deep fakes
  • Content that sways opinion (fake content)
  • Generated reviews and consumer communication

AI and The Consumer

  • Trend forecasting, detection, and projections
  • Cultural movements and consumer engagement
  • Digital shopping experiences and customer service
  • Personalized digital deliveries and curations 
  • Chatbot integrations into websites for better customer engagement

Deadline for manuscripts of 5000–6000 words (using Intellect House Style) will be 1 July 2025 and will be accepted on a rolling basis with feedback within 90 days. The Special Issue will be published in 2026.  Please let us know if you are interested in submitting by emailing Catharine Weiss at Questions regarding the journal should be sent to Joseph H. Hancock, II at


‘Queer Celebrities: Fashion, Style and Influence in Popular Culture’ 

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture invites scholars, critics and artists to submit papers for a Special Issue exploring the intersection of queerness, celebrity culture, fashion and style. How are queer celebrities influencing, shaping and transforming popular culture through their fashion and stylistic choices? We are interested in contributions that critically engage with the roles of queer celebrities in fashion as agents of change, as symbols of resistance, and as architects of a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Iconography and Symbolism: Symbols, motifs in queer celebrities’ fashion choices.
  • Fashion and Activism: Queer celebrities using fashion for activism, advocacy, social change.
  • Queer Aesthetics and Design: Queer aesthetics in celebrity fashion designers and stylists.
  • Media Representation: Queer celebrity portrayals in film, tv, music videos, digital media.
  • Queer Influencers: Tension between self-commodification and contributing to queer culture.
  • Fan Culture and Imitation: Queer celebrity fashion in imitation, cosplay, fan communities.
  • Queer Celebrity Fashion Brand Collaborations: Impact on brand and consumer behaviour.
  • Body Politics and Gender Fluidity: How queer celebrities challenge conventional body. norms and gender binaries through fashion, including impact on societal norms.
  • Queer Celebrities and the Fashion Industry: Impact on fashion industry’s sizing, fit, gender neutrality.
  • Identity: Queer celebrity fashion and identity formation, self-expression.
  • Intersectionality and Global Perspectives: Global influence of queer celebrities on fashion and diverse expressions of queerness in different cultural contexts.
  • Queer or Queer baiting? Exploitation of the queer market through queer fashion and style. 

Each topic invites contributors to delve into the multifaceted relationship between queer celebrities and the world of fashion. We encourage submissions that offer unique, including non-western, perspectives, interdisciplinary approaches and innovative methodologies. 

The deadline for manuscripts of 5000–7000 words (using Intellect House Style) is 1 July 2025

Please visit the journal website for Notes for Contributors:

Please submit full manuscripts for double blind peer-review to Dirk Reynders at Questions regarding journal standards and submissions should be sent to Hilde Van den Buck at General questions regarding the journal can be sent to Joseph H. Hancock, II at


‘Fashion and Culture in East Asia: Nation and Sense of Belonging’

This Special Issue will explore topics regarding East Asian nations and sense of belonging. Fashion, Style & Popular Culture has published on topics relating to fashion and style; in this issue we will address feelings of marginalization within the region intersecting with national identity, culture, religion and ethnicity. In the homogenous East Asian nations, though collectivism can often bring solidarity among many citizens, ethnic, racial and cultural minorities can often experience greater exclusion socially. Essays, exhibition reviews and book reviews are welcomed. Possible topics can include, but are not limited to:

  • Critique on the Eurocentric and/or Sinocentric narratives in fashion scholarship
  • Religion and dress (Confucianism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Indigenous religions, etc.)
  • Fashion and dress practices in East Asian communities
  • Fashion and cultural practices in Indigenous or ethnic minority communities within East Asian societies
  • Ethnicity and national identity in East Asia
  • East Asian diaspora and their dress and cultural practices
  • Popular culture and streetwear fashion in East Asia
  • Representation of traditional dresses in modern East Asia
  • Curatorial and museum practices in East Asia
  • Language, food and fashion

Manuscripts should be within 5000–7000 words and reviews should be within 1500–3000 words. Formatting should follow the Intellect House Style. For guidelines of formatting style, please refer to:

Manuscripts can be submitted in English, Chinese (traditional or simplified), Korean and Japanese (there is a limit of two non-English articles to for publication in this issue). For non-English manuscripts, please also include an English-translated abstract and keywords.

Deadline for manuscript submissions is 1 December 2025. All manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received.  Please send manuscripts to Jonathan Lee at or Rhiannon Howell-Matwichuk at For questions regarding submissions and inquiries regarding the journal, Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, please contact Dr. Joseph H. Hancock at


‘Fashion and Culture in East Asia: Sociocultural Identities’

This Special Issue will focus on issues of East Asian sociocultural identity. Fashion, Style & Popular Culture has published on topics relating to fashion and style, however, through this lens we hope to unpack issues surrounding different facets of identity such as gender, the body, sexual orientation, class and race. We are aiming to specifically address identities that are less represented in East Asian cultures at large, not merely just in fashion. The power of fashion and beauty comes from its ability to act as a lens through which we can understand complex societal issues, and this is what we hope to highlight. Essays, exhibition reviews and book reviews are welcomed. Possible topics can include, but are not limited to:

  • Authoritarianism, political protest and fashion
  • Beauty, popular culture and East Asian identities
  • Postcolonialism within an East Asian context
  • Historical understandings of fashion and dress in Japanese-colonized Korea and Taiwan
  • Fashion subcultures in East Asia
  • The relationship between fashion and class in an East Asian context
  • Intersections between gender and dress in East Asia
  • Fashioning the fat body in an East Asian context
  • Considerations of queer/transgender identities and fashion in East Asia

Manuscripts should be within 5000–7000 words and reviews should be within 1500–3000 words. Formatting should follow the Intellect House Style. For guidelines of formatting style, please refer to:

Manuscripts can be submitted in English, Chinese (traditional or simplified), Korean and Japanese (there is a limit of two non-English articles for publication in this issue). For non-English manuscripts, please also include an English-translated abstract and keywords.

Deadline for manuscript submissions is 1 December 2025. All manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received.  Please send manuscripts to Jonathan Lee at or Rhiannon Howell-Matwichuk at For questions regarding submissions and inquiries regarding the journal, Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, please contact Dr. Joseph H. Hancock at

Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

Editorial Board

Alyssa Dana Adomaitis
The New York City College of Technology, City University of New York, USA

Chris Baeza
Drexel University, USA

Kendel Bolton
Dallas College and Wade College, USA

Travis D. Boyce
University of Northern Colorado, USA

Tara Chittenden
The Law Society, UK

Amy Dorie
San Francisco State University, USA

Itai Doron
London College of Fashion, UK

Sarah Gilligan
Northumbria University, UK

Sara Jablon-Roberts
Johnson & Wales University, USA

Marius Janusauskas
Ghent University, Belgium

Elizabeth Kempen
University of South Africa, South Africa

Ali Khan
Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar

Saima Khan

Arun Kumar Gaikwad
Footwear Design & Development Institute, India

Magnum Lam
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Myles Ethan Lascity
Southern Methodist University, USA

Pooky Lee
Exhibiting Fashion, Shanghai, China

Tasha Lewis
The Ohio State University, USA

Eric Li
University of British Columbia, Kelowna, Canada

Abby Lillenthun
Montclair State University, USA

Wing-sun Liu
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

David Loranger
Sacred Heart University, USA

Brent Luvaas
Drexel University, USA

Annette Lynch
University of Northern Iowa, USA

Maria Mackinney-Valentin
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark

Adam MacPhàrlain
Missouri Historical Society, USA

Royce Mahawatte
Central Saint Martins, UK

Linda Matheson
University of California, Davis, USA

Jin Nakamura
Atomi University, Japan

Henry Navarro Delgado
Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Noël Palomo-Lovinski
Kent State University, USA

Victoria Pass
Maryland Institute College of Art, USA

Vincent Quevedo
Kent State University, USA

Kelly Reddy-Best
Iowa State University, USA

Akash Sajikumar
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India

Arti Sandhu
University of Cincinnati, USA

Hawa Stwodah
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Tommy Tse
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Raúl J. Vázquez-López
McGraw Hill, USA

Paula Von Wachenfeldt
Stockholm University, Sweden

Zhe Wang
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Gwyneth I. Williams
Webster University, USA

Nioka Wyatt
Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Jeong-Ju Yoo
Baylor University, USA

Advisory Board

Ben Barry
Parsons School of Design, The New School, USA

José Blanco
Fashion Institute of Technology, USA

Susan Hannel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Vanessa P. Jackson
University of Kentucky, USA

Christina Lindholm
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Marcia Morgado
University of Hawai`i, Mānoa, USA

Jo Paoletti
University of Maryland, USA

Ann Paulins
Ohio University, USA

Thomas Piontek
Shawnee State University, USA

Nancy Rudd
The Ohio State University, USA

Eulanda Sanders
Iowa State University, USA

Gayle Strege
Curator, The Ohio State University Historic Costume & Textiles Collection, USA

Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

British Humanities Index (BHI)
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
Design and Applied Art Index (DAAI)
European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
Index Copernicus
International Bibliography of Book Reviews in Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
Norwegian Publication Indicator (NPI)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)


  • Volume (11): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2024


  • Volume (11): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2024


  • Volume (10): Issue (1-2)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (10): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (10): Issue (4)
  • Cover date: 2023


  • Volume (9): Issue (1-2)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (9): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (9): Issue (4)
  • Cover date: 2022


  • Volume (8): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (8): Issue (2-3)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (8): Issue (4)
  • Cover date: 2021


  • Volume (7): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (7): Issue (2-3)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (7): Issue (4)
  • Cover date: 2020


  • Volume (6): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (6): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (6): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2019


  • Volume (5): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (5): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (5): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2018


  • Volume (4): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (4): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (4): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2017


  • Volume (3): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (3): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (3): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2015


  • Volume (2): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (2): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (2): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2014


  • Volume (1): Issue (1)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (1): Issue (2)
  • Cover date: 2013


  • Volume (1): Issue (3)
  • Cover date: 2013

Principal Editor

Joseph H. Hancock II
Drexel University, USA

Reviews Editor

Jessica Strubel
University of Rhode Island, USA

Associate Editors

Deidra Arrington
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Patricia A. Cunningham
The Ohio State University, USA

Lorynn Divita
Baylor University, USA

Vicki Karaminas
Massey University, New Zealand

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Srikant Manchiraju
Florida State University, USA

Anne Peirson-Smith
Northumbria University, UK

Dirk Reynders
Institute for Media Studies – KU Leuven, Belgium

Joy Sperling
Denison University, USA

Louise Wallenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden

Catharine Weiss
Lasell University, USA

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